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Books for Sale
Learn Graphology, by Gabrielle Beauchataud £24.50
Graphology, Volume 1, by Renna Nezos - also in ring back £24.50
Advanced Graphology, Volume 2, by Renna Nezos - also in ring back £24.50
Manual of Graphology, by J. Peugeot A Lombard M. de Noblens. £29.50
International Manual of Graphology by Lorraine Herbert, Bernadette Keefe, Monique Riley, Moniquie Stirling £38.00
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The Soul and Handwriting, by Ania Teillard £29.50
Psychopathology and Writing, by Florence Witkowski NEW £29.50
Judicial Graphology, Volume 3, by Renna Nezos £19.95
Characters and Handwritings, by Emile Caille - out of print £35.00
The Psychology of Handwriting, by Dr Jean-Charles Gille-Maisani £17.95
The Symbolism of Handwriting, by Max Pulver £29.50
Poets' Handwritings, by Dr Jean-Charles Gille-Maisani £17.95
Graphic Gesture - Creative Gesture, by Dr Nicole Boille £29.50
Graphology Theory and Practice, by Lamberto Torbidoni & Livio Zanin NEW £25.00
Study Notes
The Mythological Types, by Dr Jean-Charles Gille-Maisani £25.00
The Graphological System of Girolamo Moretti £25.00
Szondi's Theory of Personality in Handwriting, by Alex Tulloch £25.00
Sublimated Writings, by the BAOG research team. £25.00
A study of the teaching methods of handwriting in Europe, by the members of the ADEG £25.00
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