RENNA NEZOS 1931-2021
Renna Nezos founded the British Academy of Graphology in 1985. At the same time she founded the London College of Graphology as a teaching body and Scriptor Books (the publishing arm of the Academy).
Due to her academic rigour* and her 40 years of experience, in October 1991 the Academy received Government recognition as the most eminent graphological body in the UK.
Mrs Nezos published three acclained books,"Graphology", "Advanced Graphology" and "Judicial Graphology",
and organised the English translations for Scriptor Books of the European graphological classics.
Graphology emanated from Europe, and the European Association for Ethics in Graphology (ADEG 1990-2021) was formed in order to unite graphology across Europe and to establish a scientific integrity. The BAoG met the necessary criteria to become Britain's sole member .
In 2008 Renna Nezos was, for the third time, President of ADEG, the most influential graphological body of the world.

*Mrs Nezos held the Diploma of the Institut Internationale de Recherches Graphologiques, Paris, and was the British representative of the Société Française de Graphologie and the Groupement de Graphologues Conseils de France.
She was an Honorary Member of the Agrupacion de Grafoanalistas Consultivos (Spain), an Honorary Member of the Centro Internazionale di Grafologia Medica (Rome), and correspondent of the Associazone Italiana Grafoanalisi per l'Éta Evolutiva (Torino).
Mrs Nezos also founded the Hellenic Istiture of Graphology in Athens, of which she was the President.
While in the post of President to the European body, ADEG, she went on to introduce the Renna Nezos Prize for high calibre research works.